Thursday, January 14, 2010

... because God is God, and I am not.

I like control. I like knowing whats going on and to have an input in it. I enjoy when things work out the way I'd like them too; I get frustrated when they don't. I get prideful and want my 'rights' protected and insured.

But it's not about me and what I want or would like.

It's all about God and His Glory. It's all about His Mercy and Grace; His Compassion toward us and His Love to us. He is the Creator, Savior and King. How dare I that I would place myself above God. God has given so much; more than I will ever deserve. Yet I complain; I doubt.

The Lord God Almighty YAWEH made room for me in his glorious plan; and I, created man, have the gall to complain.

I have no place to question God and what He does. He is God. He has promised to be with me and to give me everything I need.

I don't need control. I don't need to know whats next. I don't need comfort or security.

All I need is God.
All that is required is myself.
All that is asked is that I follow.

In Christ, the Glorious King